Happy New Year to all of you from Asher Public Schools staff!!
about 1 year ago, Rebecca Yott
Merry Christmas to all of you & your family from all of the faculty at Asher Public Schools.
about 1 year ago, Rebecca Yott
Merry Christmas
Parents of Seniors All baby photos are due by January 15, 2024. You can send hard copy or email to Ms. Culwell at sculwell@asher.k12.ok.us This project is being outsourced this year so we are not able to take photos after this date.
about 1 year ago, Rebecca Yott
Thank you to all of you that have taken care of meal accounts thus far. Asher Public School Child Nutrition would like to thank the anonymous donors that have also helped pay on accounts this year, as it helped some families during this time of year. With that please remember to always smile and be kind to all around you they may just be the person that helped you when you needed it most. It is what this season is about, kindness without judgment or knowledge of others situations.
about 1 year ago, Rebecca Yott
Due to unforeseen circumstances the lunch menu will change today to corndogs and french fries.
about 1 year ago, Rebecca Yott
Parents just a reminder that Extended Day program will close at 4:30 PM on Wednesday, December 13th due to the Elementary Christmas program. Thank you Shari Magby
about 1 year ago, Rebecca Yott
High school basketball @Konawa on Tuesday, December 12th game time will start at 6:00 PM.
about 1 year ago, Rebecca Yott
Check out all the clothing and fan gear available. https://bsnteamsports.com/shop/7mjjnXoM1m
about 1 year ago, Rebecca Yott
December 4th. 5th/6th & 7th/8th grade basketball games at Vanoss have been canceled for today.
about 1 year ago, Rebecca Yott
Housekeeping dates and information for the month of December. This is a short but busy month and maybe this will help you save the dates. School is in session all of next week Monday, December 4th - 8th and the full week of Dec. 11th - 15th. The Elementary Christmas Program is Wednesday, December 13th in the gymnasium at 6:30PM. Semester test for grades 6th - 12th will be as follows... December 14th PM test only for students who are not exempt. Students who are exempt are to go home after the lunch bell at 12:17. IF students whom are exempt stay on campus after lunch they will go to regular classes and take the semester test. December 15th will be AM semester test and as the PM test those who are exempt are to not be on campus or they will be taking each semester test that morning. Teachers will be letting students know if they are exempt for each class .Friday, December 15th school will dismiss at 12:17, buses will run routes. Please make sure you have arrangements to pick up your children on that day by 12:17 if they do not ride a bus. There will be no Afterschool Program in the afternoon on Friday, December 15th.
about 1 year ago, Rebecca Yott
Parents of 5th thru 12th grade students, Asher Public Schools, would appreciate if you would take a couple minutes to fill out this survey. Your participation will benefit our school as we apply for the Gear Up grant. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeItXdd7vvaNwXrW-pdloa9xdxlUYrrDbU8LtQtS-qO0ocCXw/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0&usp=mail_form_link
about 1 year ago, Steve Spangler
will have menu changes Tuesday Nov. 28 will be waffles, sausage, fruit, milk & juice for breakfast. Spaghetti greenbeans, rolls, fruit & milk for lunch. This institution is an equal opportunity employer.
over 1 year ago, Rebecca Yott
Happy Thanksgiving from all of the staff at Asher Public Schools. May you and your family have many blessings.
over 1 year ago, Rebecca Yott
Sophomore Class Rib Sale is going on now! Rack of ribs from Pigskins $30.00 orders & money are due by December 6th if you wish to order contact a Sophomore or Mr. Carnes. bcarnes.k12.ok.us is Mr. Carnes email. Delivery will be the week of December 13th.
over 1 year ago, Rebecca Yott
JH Basketball games tonight at Earlsboro will start at 5:00 p.m. Bus will leave at 4:00 p.m. There will be no 5th and 6th grade girls game due to sickness. Players can stay in the gym after school if needed.
over 1 year ago, Steve Spangler
It is time for the annual Thanksgiving food drive. We are taking food donations to help the First Baptist Church put together food baskets for those in need in our community. We ask that donations be non-perishable food items only. Such as canned goods (fruits & vegetables, instant potatoes, broths, dressing mixes (stovetop), gravy mixes, seasonings, cranberry sauce etc. The class that brings the most items will receive Pizza for lunch. You can send donations to your students classroom or to the office no later than Wed, Nov. 15th.
over 1 year ago, Rebecca Yott
Lunch Menu change for today, Tuesday, Nov. 7th. We will be having Chicken Alfredo and not Fajitas.
over 1 year ago, Rebecca Yott
ASHER BASEBALL BOOSTER CLUB Holiday Ham Sale Please support your Asher Indians Baseball Team! 8-10 lbs. Ready-to-eat Spiral Cut Sugared: $40.00 Smoked: $45.00 Sugared & Smoked: $50.00
over 1 year ago, Rebecca Yott
Check out High School Baseball's online store filled with Asher Indian merchandise. https://bsnteamsports.com/shop/7jfNvzpwfk
over 1 year ago, Rebecca Yott
2023 Yearbook sales!! 💥
over 1 year ago, Rebecca Yott