April 2, 2024
Congratulations to our KidWind Challenge Team they placed 2 nd in the high school division and received an award called the “Spirit of KidWind” Saturday! The competition consists...

July 17, 2023
First day of school is just around the corner. We hope everyone has been enjoying their summer break and are anxious to get a new school year started. We will have lot's of new fac...

July 12, 2023
School supply lists are now available in the documents section on the Asher Public School website for printing. Once in the document tab look for the 2023-2024 School Supply...

June 8, 2023
Asher School is hiring a Paraprofessional for the 2023-24 school year. All interested applicants should complete an application or email resume to shawnam@asher.k12.ok.us or jalsup...

May 2, 2023
There will be an Indian Education meeting Thursday May 4th @ 3:45 in the Superintendents office.
August 25, 2022
School pictures will be on September 28th. We will be taking junior high and high school softball and baseball pictures. Individual pictures from three year program to Juniors for...
August 25, 2022
Yearbooks are in!!! Those who prepaid will receive their books tomorrow. 8/25/22. There are 40 extra yearbooks at $45 a piece. If you would like a yearbook from last year please s...

August 24, 2022
It is that time of year when Asher FFA is hosting the Blue & Gold fundraiser. You can order bacon, sausage or chicken strips until Oct 10th with a FFA member or by contacting Rick...

August 9, 2022
As we close in on the return of our students, teachers and staff are anxiously doing last minute prep. We have several new teachers, staff and Superintendent who are excited to ge...

August 9, 2022
Asher Public School has a Maintenance position open. To apply come to the office and get an application. Contact Mr. Hedge for more details at mhedge@asher.k12.ok.us or by phone a...

August 2, 2022
Interactive Free/Reduced meal applications can be found under the documents tab. You can fill out on the computer and email to Rebecca Yott Child Nutrition Director at rebeccay@as...

May 26, 2022
We have the current 2022-2023 JOM applications available in the documents to be printed off and filled out while you are on summer break. Once you have printed, filled out and gat...
April 13, 2022
The Yearbook class has been working to make this yearbook the best Asher has ever seen! To order: Mail or send, with a student, the attached form and payment to school by Wednes...
August 3, 2021

July 22, 2020
Return to Learning Plan for the upcoming school year can be found under the documents tab.