Morning Semester test for grades 7- 11 are Friday, May 19th for ONLY Non-Exempt students. IF your child is exempt they are to stay home , if they come to school they will be required to go to classes and take semester test.
almost 2 years ago, Rebecca Yott
A.M. Semester test day
Elementary Awards Assembly Pre-K & 1st -6th is in the gymnasium on Friday, May 19 @ 9:30 A.M.
almost 2 years ago, Rebecca Yott
Elementary Awards
School will dismiss early on Friday, May 19. Buses will run at 12:30 P.M. Afterschool will be closed so please make sure your child(ren) have a way home at this time.
almost 2 years ago, Rebecca Yott
School Dismisses Early
Grades 7-12 Semester test for afternoon classes Thursday, May 18. Exempt students are to leave after lunch any student who does not and is exempt will be required to attend classes and take semester test. So please make sure your child has a way home by lunch time (if) they are exempt.
almost 2 years ago, Rebecca Yott
PM Semester testing
Kindergarten Graduation in the Asher Gymnasium 10:00 AM on Thursday, May 18, 2023.
almost 2 years ago, Rebecca Yott
KG Graduation
3 Year Old's graduation is Wednesday, May 17th @10:00 A.M. in the gymnasium.
almost 2 years ago, Rebecca Yott
3 Yr. Old Graduation day
Yearbook has cutting board left for personalizing at $25.00. Also, they have 2 yearbooks from last year 2022 that are available for $55 each. Contact Mr. Forrester at
almost 2 years ago, Rebecca Yott
Just a Little Reminder
This is a reminder school IS in session Monday, May 15th. This is our last week of the 2023 School Year!!! So, remember School IS IN session Monday!!
almost 2 years ago, Rebecca Yott
Monday, May 15th
Final week of school has gotten here and quick! Here are the highlights of the activities that will be happening as the week goes.. Monday, May 15th school IS IN Session! Wednesday, May 17th at 10:00 A.M. in the gymnasium 3 Year Old Graduation Thursday, May 18th at 10:00 A.M. in the gymnasium Kindergarten Graduation. 7th - 12th - Afternoon Semester test for those who are NOT exempt. Students who are exempt must go home after lunch or go to class and take the test if they remain at school. Friday, May 19th - 7th - 12th Morning Semester test for those who are NOT exempt. Students who are exempt are to stay home if they are at school they will be sent to class and will be required to take all semester test. Elementary Awards Assembly in the gymnasium at 9:30 A.M. grades 1st - 6th. School dismisses at 12:30 buses will run routes at this time. There will be NO AFTER SCHOOL be sure your child has a way home at this time.
almost 2 years ago, Rebecca Yott
FINAL WEEK of 2022-2023
High School Graduation is here Saturday, May 13, 2023 at 10:00 AM in the gymnasium.
almost 2 years ago, Rebecca Yott
High School graduation
2023 Asher FFA Banquet Thursday, May 11, 2023 @6:30 PM will be held in the cafetorium.
almost 2 years ago, Rebecca Yott
Asher FFA Banquet
A personal thank you to the anonymous donor for donating $200.00 to Child Nutrition to pay on student accounts. This money was split between 11 accounts all of which had a balance over $25 plus. -- Always smile and say thank you to those standing next to you because you never know........ they may be the kind person that donated to your child's account.
almost 2 years ago, Rebecca Yott
Thank you for the Donation
End of year dance for Asher students ONLY in 4th, 5th & 6th grades is Saturday, May 13th in the Cafetorium 6:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M. NO outside kids are allowed. There will be free snacks and drinks. Entry will be $5.00 per person at the door.
almost 2 years ago, Rebecca Yott
4th - 6th  End of Year Dance
AR Reward Trip to Laser Zone grades 1st - 6th. NO outside kids are allowed in during this trip, bus leaves at 9:15 will return around 3:15. School will be sending sack lunches please be sure to send drinks with a lid to close. If playing in the arcade or going to concession kids will need to bring money.
almost 2 years ago, Rebecca Yott
AR Reward Trip
Seniors Breakfast at Baptist Church 8:30 A.M. Graduation practice and pictures in the Gym immediately following breakfast, bring cap 'n gown for practice. Parents viewing of Senior video at 11:45 A.M. and Senior luncheon at 12:00 in the gym lobby.
almost 2 years ago, Rebecca Yott
Seniors Day
Senior semester testing is Wednesday, May 10th for afternoon classes. Thursday, May 11th for morning classes. If your Senior is exempt and they show up to school they will be taking semester test. All Seniors are to have meal accounts paid in full by Friday.
almost 2 years ago, Rebecca Yott
Menu changes for May 11th breakfast will be Banana / Chocolate Muffins. May 18th breakfast will be Cereal. Updates will be posted as they are made available.
almost 2 years ago, Rebecca Yott
Cereal May 18th
Muffins May 11th
Due to the increase of the cutting boards we have endured on this last order we unfortunately have to increase the price on our end to $25.00 each. We appreciate each of you for your support. Yearbook.
almost 2 years ago, Rebecca Yott
Cutting board increase
The time posted for Graduation on Saturday, May 13th is incorrect the time is at 10:00 AM.
almost 2 years ago, Rebecca Yott
Asher Public Schools has the following open positions for the 2024 school year. If you are interested please send resume with transcripts and teaching certificate by email to Shawna Magby at or Jason Alsup at Special Education teacher 2nd grade teacher 4th grade teacher
almost 2 years ago, Rebecca Yott
Job openings